One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He…


As the boy sipped the milk, he noticed how comforting and nourishing it felt, soothing his empty stomach and invigorating his weary body. Grateful for her kindness, he mustered the courage to ask, "How much do I owe you for the milk?"

The woman smiled warmly and replied, "You don't owe me anything. It's a pleasure to help someone in need."

Touched by her generosity, the boy thanked her profusely before continuing on his journey. With renewed hope and determination, he went from house to house, offering his goods with a newfound sense of purpose.

As the days passed, the boy's sales improved, and he was able to earn enough to pay his way through school. Yet, he never forgot the kind woman who had offered him a glass of milk when he needed it most.

Years later, the boy, now a successful businessman, returned to the neighborhood where he had once struggled. Determined to repay the woman's kindness, he inquired about her whereabouts and learned that she had fallen on hard times.

Without hesitation, he reached out to her, offering financial assistance and expressing his gratitude for her selfless act so many years ago. Overwhelmed with emotion, the woman accepted his help, grateful for the unexpected blessing.

And so, the simple gesture of a glass of milk had not only nourished a hungry boy but had also planted the seeds of kindness and compassion that would continue to grow and flourish for years to come.