A young lady was waiting for her flight in the boarding room of a big airport. As she would need to wait for a long time, she decided to buy a book to read and a packet of cookies to snack on. She sat down in anmchoin in the po


arding area, opened her book, and took out a cookie from the packet. As she glanced around, she noticed a middle-aged man sitting next to her, who also took a cookie. They both smiled at each other, and she thought nothing of it.

As she reached for another cookie, she was surprised to find the man taking another one too. This time, though, he smiled at her and offered a friendly nod. They continued this silent cookie-sharing ritual until there was only one cookie left in the packet.

The man reached for the last cookie, broke it in half, and offered her one half with a smile. She took it, thanking him, and they both resumed reading their books.

Soon after, it was time to board the plane. As she gathered her belongings, she reached into her bag to get her boarding pass, and to her surprise, she found her packet of cookies, unopened and untouched.

Puzzled and a bit embarrassed, she realized that the cookies she had been eating were the man's, and he had been sharing them with her all along, without a hint of annoyance or complaint. She felt a rush of gratitude and admiration for the kindness of a stranger, and she boarded the plane with a warm feeling in her heart, reminded of the goodness that exists in the world.