An anthropologist studying the habits and customs of an African tribe found himself surrounded by children most days. So he decided to play a little game with them.He managed to get

 the children to gather around him by offering them some candies. Once they were all gathered, he placed a basket full of fruits under a tree and announced a game.

The game was simple: The children had to race to the tree, and the first one to reach it would win all the fruits in the basket. However, when the anthropologist said, "Ready, set, go!", instead of letting the children run, he told them to hold hands and run together towards the tree.

Confused but intrigued, the children hesitated at first, but then they laughed and joined hands, running towards the tree as a group. When they reached the tree, they all sat down together and shared the fruits, smiling and laughing.

The anthropologist then explained to them the importance of cooperation and working together as a community. He emphasized that when they helped each other, everyone could enjoy the fruits of their labor together, just like they did in the game.

The children nodded in understanding, their faces lit up with newfound knowledge. From that day on, they continued to play and work together, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie within their tribe. And the anthropologist, satisfied with the lesson learned, continued his study with a smile on his face.