At 2 o'clock in night, a rich man couldn't sleep. He kept walking around the house but still was feeling unrest. After a while, he got exhausted and took out his car and went out on streets ofcity.

As the rich man drove through the deserted streets of the city in the dead of night, he found solace in the quietness around him. The hum of the engine and the rhythmic motion of the car provided a sense of calm that had eluded him earlier.

As he navigated the empty roads, his mind began to wander, reflecting on his life, his successes, and his struggles. The twinkling lights of the cityscape offered a comforting backdrop to his thoughts, reminding him of the bustling life that continued even in the darkest hours.

With each passing mile, the restlessness that had plagued him earlier started to dissipate. The cool night air and the gentle breeze through the open window brought a sense of clarity and peace.

Eventually, as the first light of dawn began to peek over the horizon, the rich man felt a sense of renewal wash over him. He turned his car around and headed back home, feeling rejuvenated and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.