The Grand Master gathered together all the disciples in order to decide who would have the honour of working at his side. 'I am going to set you a problem,' said the Grand Master. 'And the

one who solves it first shall be my assistant.' The disciples listened intently, eager to prove their worth.

The Grand Master continued, "In the center of the courtyard, there lies a large boulder. Whoever can move this boulder out of the courtyard without using any tools or assistance shall be deemed worthy to work by my side."

The disciples pondered the challenge, each considering their own approach. Some tried to push the boulder with all their might, while others attempted to lift it using sheer strength. Despite their efforts, the boulder remained immovable.

As the disciples grew frustrated, one young disciple approached the Grand Master with a curious smile. "Master," he said, "I have an idea."

The Grand Master nodded encouragingly, and the young disciple continued, "Instead of trying to move the boulder directly, why don't we dig a trench around it? Once the trench is deep enough, the boulder will naturally roll out of the courtyard due to gravity."

Impressed by the disciple's ingenuity, the Grand Master smiled and declared, "You have solved the problem with wisdom and creativity. You shall be my assistant from this day forth."