An attorney telephoned the governor just after midnight, insisting that he talk to him regarding a matter of utmost urgency. An aide eventually agreed to wake up the governor. "So, what is

 this urgent matter?" the governor asked sleepily.

"Governor, I just wanted to inform you that I have discovered a legal loophole in one of the state's important laws," the attorney said urgently.

The governor, now more awake, replied, "Go on, what loophole?"

"It's regarding the taxation of certain businesses," the attorney explained. "If we exploit this loophole, we could potentially save the state millions of dollars in revenue."

The governor listened intently as the attorney outlined the details of the loophole and its potential implications.

After a moment of silence, the governor responded, "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll have my team look into it first thing in the morning."

The attorney, satisfied with the governor's response, thanked him and hung up the phone.

The next day, the governor's team reviewed the legal loophole and determined that it was indeed valid. They immediately began drafting legislation to address the issue and prevent any potential abuse of the loophole.

Thanks to the attorney's late-night call, the state was able to close the loophole and ensure that its tax laws remained fair and effective. And while the governor may have been initially annoyed at being woken up in the middle of the night, he ultimately appreciated the attorney's dedication to serving the best interests of the state.