The donkey told the tiger, "The grass is blue." The tiger replied, "No, the grass is green." The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they

 approached the wise old owl who lived in the nearby forest. The donkey and the tiger explained their disagreement to the owl, each insisting that they were right about the color of the grass.

The owl listened patiently to both sides of the argument and then calmly responded, "Let us settle this matter by observation. Follow me to the field where the grass grows, and we shall see for ourselves."

With the donkey and the tiger in tow, the owl led them to a lush green field where the grass swayed gently in the breeze. Upon seeing the verdant grass, the tiger nodded in satisfaction, reaffirming his belief that the grass was indeed green.

However, the donkey remained unconvinced. "But look closely," he insisted. "The grass appears blue from a distance, especially under certain lighting conditions."

The owl, known for his keen eyesight and wisdom, observed the grass carefully from different angles. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke, "Both of you are correct in your own way. The grass appears green from up close, but it may indeed appear blue from a distance or under certain lighting conditions, as the donkey pointed out."

The donkey and the tiger looked at each other, realizing that their perspectives were shaped by their own experiences and observations. With the matter settled and their disagreement resolved, they thanked the owl for his wise arbitration and returned home, their friendship strengthened by the shared experience of seeking truth and understanding.