A man was asked to paint a boat. He brought his paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him. While painting, he noticed a small hole in the hull, and

 decided to repair it before finishing the painting. He patched the hole and continued painting until the entire boat was bright red.

When he finished, he stood back to admire his work, but he noticed something strange. Despite his efforts, the entire boat was now covered in bright green paint.

Perplexed, the man scratched his head and wondered what could have gone wrong. Just then, the boat's owner arrived to inspect the work.

"What happened?" the owner exclaimed, noticing the unexpected color change.

The painter explained how he had noticed the hole in the hull and decided to patch it before continuing with the painting. However, he couldn't understand why the boat had turned green.

The owner chuckled and said, "Ah, I forgot to mention that the boat's name is 'The Green Turtle.' I wanted it painted green, not red."

The painter's face turned red with embarrassment as he realized his mistake. He had misunderstood the owner's instructions and painted the boat the wrong color.

After a moment of silence, the owner burst into laughter. "Don't worry," he said, "I actually like the green better! It gives the boat character."

Relieved, the painter joined in the laughter, grateful for the owner's understanding. Together, they admired the newly painted boat, now proudly sporting its bright green color. And from that day on, it became known as "The Green Turtle," a unique and beloved vessel on the water.