She asked him, "How much are you selling the eggs for?" The old seller replied, "$0.25 an egg, Madam." She said to him, "I will take 6 eggs for $1.25 or I will leave." The old seller replied, "Come


and take them at the price you want. Maybe this is a good beginning because I have not been able to sell even a single egg today." She took the eggs and walked away, feeling she had won. She got into her fancy car and went to a posh restaurant with her friend. There, she ordered what she wanted, and when the bill came, it was $50. She gave the waiter $50 and told the owner of the restaurant to keep the change.

This incident might seem insignificant to many, but it shows the difference in treatment between the poor and the wealthy. The reality is that we often bargain with those who need the money the most and pay the asking price to those who need it the least.

Next time you’re in the market, try to pay a fair price, and remember the effort that goes into the small things we often take for granted. Sometimes, a little kindness and fairness can go a long way in making someone's day better.