Two guys left the bar after a long night of drinking, jumped in the car and started it up. After a couple of minutes, an old man appeared in the passenger window and tapped lightly. The passenger screamed, "Look at the window. There's an old ghost's face there!" The driver sped up, but the old man's face stayed in the window. The passenger rolled his window down part way and, scared out of

his wits, said, "What do you want?" The old man softly replied, "You got any tobacco?" The passenger handed the old man a cigarette and yelled, "Step on it," to the driver. So the driver pushed the pedal to the metal, and they sped off. But the old man's face continued to appear in the window. "Faster!" the passenger yelled again, but still, the old man's face stayed in the window. The passenger looked in the side mirror and screamed, "He's gaining on us!" The driver stomped harder on the gas, but the old man's face remained in the window. They drove for miles, trying to get away from the old man, but he wouldn't go away. Finally, the passenger cried out, "What are we going to do? This is impossible!" The driver glanced at the passenger and said, "Well, it's simple. We're going to have to stop the car and let him out!"