An American, Brit, and an Aussie are about to get executed in Russia. The executioner approaches the American prisoner and says, "How would you like to die? By firing squad, hung by the neck, or on the electric Chair?" "I'll take the chair." the American says. So he gets strapped into the electric chair. When they flin the switch, nothing

 The executioner turns to the British prisoner and asks, "How would you like to die?" The British prisoner replies, "I'll take the firing squad." So, he's taken to face the firing squad. But when the squad fires, their aim is terrible, and they miss him entirely.

Turning to the Australian prisoner, the executioner asks, "How would you like to die?" The Aussie thinks for a moment and then says, "I'll take the electric chair too." Perplexed, the executioner straps the Australian into the electric chair and pulls the switch. But nothing happens.

Bewildered, the executioner exclaims, "What's going on? Why isn't it working?"

The Australian grins and says, "Oh, mate, it's because you didn't plug it in!"