Elsa, a 97 year old midwife, finally passed away after a long and happy life. When she arrived at the Pearly Gates, St Peter was standing there waiting for her. He said, "Welcome, Elsa. Do…


"Welcome, Elsa. Do you have any questions before I show you to your eternal residence?"

Elsa, with a twinkle in her eye, responded, "Well, yes, young man. Can you tell me if there are midwives in heaven?"

St Peter thought for a moment and then said, "I'm not quite sure. Let me check."

He consulted his heavenly records and soon returned with a smile on his face. "Good news, Elsa! Yes, there are midwives in heaven."

Elsa sighed in relief and said, "Oh, that's wonderful. I was getting worried because I've been a midwife for so long, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to continue my work here."

St Peter chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Elsa. In fact, you'll be pleased to know that here in heaven, there's no need for midwives. Everyone is born anew and in perfect health."

Elsa beamed with joy and said, "Well, that sounds just heavenly!"