A poor boy was in love with a rich man's daughter. Overcome with his love for the girl, the boy proposed to her. However, the rich girl derisively rejected him and said, "Your monthly salary is

 not even equal to what I spend on my nails each day. How can you even think of marrying me?" The girl's cruel words deeply hurt the poor boy, but he remained silent.

Several years passed, and the boy became a successful businessman. He had worked hard, built his fortune, and had grown wiser through his experiences. One day, he came across the same rich girl who had once rejected him.

She immediately recognized him and tried to reconcile, regretting her past actions. Now a wealthy and confident man, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but I cannot marry you. Your words from the past remain etched in my memory."

The girl was surprised and asked, "Please forgive me. I was foolish back then. I didn't realize your worth. I want to be with you now."

The man simply replied, "I understand, but a relationship is built on more than just apologies. When I was poor, you rejected me because of my financial status. Now, I'm successful, but I can't forget how you judged me. I've moved on."

He walked away, leaving the girl regretful and sorrowful for her past behavior. The man understood the importance of respect, kindness, and sincerity in a relationship, realizing that true love doesn't judge based on wealth or status but values genuine feelings and mutual respect.