A generous king once ruled in the land of Andhra Every day two beggars used to come to him for alms and he always gave them food and money. On receiving the alms one of them, the older…

 beggar, would bless the king profusely, praising his generosity and wishing him long life and prosperity. However, the younger beggar remained silent and simply accepted the alms without saying a word.

Curious about the younger beggar's silence, the king one day asked him, "My dear young man, why do you never speak or offer any blessings like your companion?"

The young beggar looked up at the king with wise eyes and replied, "Your Majesty, I do not bless you with words, but with my heart. Every day, as I receive your generous alms, I offer silent prayers for your well-being, happiness, and prosperity. My blessings may not be heard by others, but they come from the depths of my soul."

The king was deeply moved by the young beggar's words and sincerity. He realized that true blessings do not always need to be spoken aloud, but can be felt in the silent prayers and good intentions of the heart.

From that day onward, the king held the young beggar's silent blessings in high esteem, knowing that they were just as powerful and meaningful as any spoken words. And the young beggar continued to receive the king's generous alms, silently offering his heartfelt blessings with each gift he received.