Mom: Time to wake up and go to school! Son: No, I don't wanna go to school today! Mom: But you have to go to school. Son: But, I don't wanna go to school. Mom: Give me three good reasons why you should stay


home today, and I'll consider letting you stay.

Son: Okay, first, the teachers don't like me. Second, the kids don't like me. And third, I just don't like school!

Mom: Hmm, I understand your concerns, but let me give you three good reasons why you should go to school. First, education is important for your future. Second, you'll have the opportunity to learn and grow. And third, facing challenges like this will make you stronger and more resilient.

Son: But mom...

Mom: No buts, sweetheart. It's time to get ready for school. I promise you'll have a good day once you're there.

With a sigh, the son begrudgingly gets ready for school, knowing that his mom is right.