There was an old man who was admitted in a hospital. A young man would visit him every day, and sit with him for more than one hour. He would help him eat his food, and take his shower. He


would talk to him and keep him company when he felt lonely. The nurses and other hospital staff noticed this young man's kindness and compassion toward the old man. One day, out of curiosity, a nurse asked the young man, "Are you related to the old man? Why do you spend so much time with him?"

The young man smiled and replied, "No, I'm not related to him. I'm just a neighbor from across the street. I used to see him sitting alone on his porch every day, looking lonely. So, I decided to introduce myself and offer some company. We became friends, and now I visit him every day to keep him company and help him out."

The nurse was touched by the young man's gesture of kindness and said, "You're truly a compassionate person. Your friendship means a lot to him."

The young man nodded and said, "I believe that showing kindness and compassion to others, especially to those who are lonely or in need, is what makes us human. It's a small gesture, but it can make a big difference in someone's life."

From that day on, the nurses and hospital staff also started to spend more time with the old man, realizing the importance of companionship and kindness in healing and comforting those who are sick or elderly.