Elsa, a 97 year old midwife, finally passed away after a long and happy life. When she arrived at the Pearly Gates, St Peter was standing there waiting for her. He said, "Welcome, Elsa. Do…

 St. Peter said, "Welcome, Elsa. Do you have any last wishes before you enter heaven?"

Elsa replied, "Yes, St. Peter. I've spent my whole life delivering babies and helping mothers. My only wish is to know how many babies I've helped bring into the world."

St. Peter smiled kindly and said, "Of course, Elsa. Let me check the records for you." After a moment, he returned and said, "Elsa, you have helped deliver 10,543 babies in your lifetime."

Elsa's eyes widened in amazement. She exclaimed, "Oh, my! What a blessing to have been a part of so many lives!"

St. Peter nodded and said, "Indeed, Elsa. Your dedication and compassion have touched the lives of countless families. Welcome to heaven." And with that, he opened the gates, allowing Elsa to enter her eternal reward.