Wash an old mascara container and fill with: 1/4 of the container with Castor Oil, 1/2 Vitamin E Oil, 1/4 Aloe Vera Gel. Mix the concoction together as well as you can with your mascara wand, and apply a light layer to lashes (or brows) every night before bed. Castor oil thickens your lashes while aloe vera gel lengthens. Vitamin E accelerates length. Give it a month for results.

 This appears to be a beauty tip or homemade remedy for improving lashes or brows. It suggests using a clean mascara container to create a mixture containing Castor Oil, Vitamin E Oil, and Aloe Vera Gel. The suggested portions are 1/4 Castor Oil, 1/2 Vitamin E Oil, and 1/4 Aloe Vera Gel.

To prepare, you would mix these ingredients thoroughly using a mascara wand and then apply a light layer to your lashes or eyebrows each night before bedtime. The benefits claimed are that Castor Oil can thicken lashes, Aloe Vera Gel may help lengthen them, and Vitamin E might accelerate length.

Results are suggested to appear after about a month of consistent application. However, before trying any new beauty regimen, it's always a good idea to do a patch test to check for any allergic reactions and consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional if you have any concerns.