Two old Jewish men, Sid and Abe, are sitting in a Mexican restaurant one day. Sid asks Abe, "Do you know if any people of our ancestry were ever born and raised in Mexico ?" Abe replies, "I don't know, let's…

 finish our meals and then we'll ask the waiter." After eating, they call over the waiter and Sid asks, "Are there any Mexican Jews?" The waiter says, "I don't know, Senor, I'll ask the chef." The waiter goes into the kitchen and comes back after a while. "No, Senor, the chef says there are no Mexican Jews." Abe isn't satisfied with that and asks, "Are you absolutely sure?" The waiter, realizing he's dealing with "Gringos" who probably don't know much, says, "All right, I'll ask the chef to check again." While the waiter is away, Sid says, "I find it hard to believe there are no Jews in Mexico. Our people are scattered everywhere." Abe replies, "Well, you just can't trust people. He knows we're interested, and he's just trying to make us happy." The waiter returns and says, "Senor, the chef really says there are no Mexican Jews." "Are you certain?" Abe asks again. "I can't believe there are no Mexican Jews." "Senor," the waiter says exasperated, "I ask EVERYONE. All we have is Orange Jews, Grape Jews, Prune Jews, and Tomato Jews!"